It’s okay to want more…

I just landed back in California after a 3 week trip to Australia. Dang, they seriously have the best coffee there and some of the most gorgeous scenery I’ve ever seen! I always fly business class when I’m flying internationally, it’s been at least 4 years now that...

It’s okay to want more

I just landed back in California after a 3 week trip to Australia. Dang, they seriously have the best coffee there and some of the most gorgeous scenery I’ve ever seen! I always fly business class when I’m flying internationally, it’s been at least 4 years now that...

My top advice for new coaches

Had a delicious lunch with a friend I met in Bali who lives here in Australia, and now I’m hunkering down at the beach for a moment with my journal. Messaging with my team about a few things, and jumping on a call with my Facebook ads ninja in a few. It’s...

Is your energy secretly sabotaging you?

Are you beating yourself up over your energy and vibes, assuming that anything not working in your business right now has to do with that? Well here’s what’s true…….. It *could* be your energy… But it might not be… Even though in...