This could be the one thing that’s holding you back from rocking it
I did some kickass live coaching on Facebook yesterday that you might want to check out. One of the BIGGEST things that holds coaches back from reallllly rocking it in business is their messaging. You've heard it and probably worried about it: The coaching world is...
What are you afraid you’ll lose?
I was recently invited to be a guest speaker in my friend's mastermind on the topic of money mindset and I wanted to give you a glimpse of what we talked about. I freaking love this topic so much and trust me, I've had to excavate a lot of shitty beliefs I had around...
It’s not necessarily all in your mind
I think a lot of coaches think they have money blocks, mindset issues, or other blocks to business success, when the actual block is that they don't know *how* to make money or get to the next level of income. I've seen people wrack their brains trying to figure out...
Avoid this entrepreneurial trap
I just spent the weekend in a room of hundreds of coaches, and after hearing what so many people are struggling with in their businesses, I wanted reach out to let you in on a little something I like to call the Entrepreneurial Trap. Because of what I do, I'm always...
I know you know this feeling
The one where you're watching other people do the things YOU want to be doing, but you've been too afraid to do them. Or somehow you thought *they* could do this, but not you (and why?!) I know you know this feeling of that battle in your head -- wondering if you're...
What to do when a client is worried they can’t pay you
I'm pretty sure you've been there, and maybe you've experienced both of the following scenarios: Scenario 1- You have a new client who right before you're about to start tells you they're freaked out about the money and they want out. Scenario 2- You just invested in...
You’re too good for this
You’re too good to be where you’re at in business right now. You’re too good for this inconsistent income stuff, and for not having $10-15k a month be your BARE MINIMUM. You know this about you. You know you’re powerful and talented, and frankly you know you’re more...
Let’s get visible
Let's talk visibility... This is something that I see a lot of people struggling with... sometimes it's about consistency, but other times it's just fear of being seen, like REALLY seen by people and sharing what you do with the world. You've probably heard me say...
Real Talk
Can we have some real talk for a minute? I’m going to be a little direct with you -- how are things *really* going in your business? (not the social media version where you’re #slaying, but the real version, babe). Given that you’re still here reading my stuff and...
The biggest LIE the spiritual community is telling you
This rant has been brewing in me for quite a while now, so apologies in advance for the length of this blog, but there’s something I need to say because the current dialogue around spiritual and conscious business is leaving a gaping hole that I think is extremely...