I think a lot of coaches think they have money blocks, mindset issues, or other blocks to business success, when the actual block is that they don’t know *how* to make money or get to the next level of income.

I’ve seen people wrack their brains trying to figure out their blocks, but when I’ve probed deeper, it turns out that they also:

  • have no clarity on their niche and/or their positioning is confusing/off or non-existent
  • no idea what they’re selling, or are selling tons of different things trying to make everyone happy
  • aren’t clear on how to market themselves
  • have no sales training whatsoever

YES, looking at your money mindset and mindset in general (myself included!) is really important, AND….

Don’t convince yourself you have a totally messed up mindset, when the problem might also be that you don’t have the *how* figured out yet.

>>>> You can’t do one without the other.

If you’re not where you want to be right now, don’t beat yourself up!

That’s not going to help anything.

Business is a skill-set. It’s not something you should just *know* how to do.

You had to learn how to ride a bike. How to drive a car. How to do math.

Stop making yourself wrong for not knowing how to do something you haven’t learned yet!

Instead, be patient with yourself and realize it’s a step-by-step process, just like anything else.

Being an amazing coach is a different skill-set than being an amazing business person.

I hope it gives you some relief to know that you don’t necessarily have to do some gigantic painful mindset excavation… you just need to get a few strategic things dialed in.

For starters – even knowing what’s not working is super helpful…

Whenever I work with a client, the very first thing we do is diagnose…

What is it *really* that isn’t working? (because it’s usually not what you think!)

Typically it’s several areas that need tweaking – and sometimes it’s small changes and other times significant ones!

Comment below or email me if you want my help figuring out what’s not working for you!
