Since joining the Adventurous Soul Mastermind, I have tripled my income, paid off $15,000 of debt, and am on track to hit six figures next year (and will get pretty close this year!). My life and my business have been completely transformed through this program, and I ABSOLUTELY recommend it to any coach or healer who wants to stop spinning their wheels and make great money.”
Sandra Possing, Freedom Coach for Passionate Rebels
Just sold the biggest package I have ever sold! $2500 down payment plus $1500/mo for 12 months!! Took the down payment on the phone and we start Friday! I am soooo excited and grateful I get to share my wins in this amazing community. Thank you SO much Emily for this container you have created for all of us to step into our power and own our worth!! YAY SO STOKED!!!! I am so looking forward to the Mastermind”
Laura, Coaching
One of my clients just hired me to design 2 day long trainings, (diversity related stuff)… and I just sent everything over to them along with an invoice for $25k! $25k for less than a week of work!!!!!“
Trudi Lebron, Trudi Lebron Impact Coaching
I’m still catching up and getting feedback on my new offer… but… I just closed my highest sale ever!!! $7777 for 6 months!
Megan Ward, Megan Ward Coaching
I have 4 new private client calls this week… and 6 more calls on the books this week. I used Emily Utter’s Sales Power script each time and my close rate has gone from 20% to 50%!!!! Woohoo!!! My goal is to have 4 more!!
Susan De Robertis, SDR Business Consulting
Guess who just got her second client EVER… right there on the phone!! Woop Woop!! (Yes, credit card taken) I also made it a 6-month program instead of a 3 month AND raised my prices by $1500!!
Jade McKenzie, Jade McKenzie Mind & Self Mastery Coaching
Christina Boyd-Smith, PhD, CPCC, The Corporate Rebel Coach
Emily’s summit trainings have been such an incredible way for me to focus my attention in my business this year, and really create what it is that I want to create with a solid foundation. My summit is almost finished, at this moment that I’m recording this, I have more days left, and my list has grown by over 3,000.
I am really looking forward to the product that I’m launching right after the summit. Last year I launched the product without a summit, and I got 57 enrollees. So that was a $57,000 launch. This year with 3,000 new people I just can’t wait to see what happens.
I highly recommend Emily Utter, her business smarts, and her ability to conduct this training that is really easy to follow, step-by-step, and know exactly what to do.
Natalie Hill, Sacred Business Adventure
Since joining the mastermind, I’ve more than tripled my income in less than six months and just had my first $20,000 month!”
Amy GreenSky, Web Design for Conscious Entrepreneurs
Thanks to the step-by-step strategies Emily teaches, I not only broke 6-figures this year, but I had a 6-figure month. Emily’s coaching is clear, direct and strategic. When I signed up with Emily, I had two very specific goals: I wanted to build my list and I wanted to learn how to create consistent income in my business.
My list has quadrupled, I am now working with amazing clients all over the world, and I’m making money doing what I love and contributing more than ever to the sustainability of the planet. If you follow the very specific steps and strategies that Emily lays out, you will get kick-ass results.
This is not a program for whiners, slackers or complainers. Emily gives you the map and the tools. If you are results-oriented and action-taking, this program will help you grow your business.”
Deborah Fryer, Coaching for Creative Entreprenuers
Hand to heart, my work with Emily is the only reason why I have made progress in my business. She is an incredibly skilled coach, and has been more supportive than I could have hoped. She knows exactly when and how to push me. I also really appreciate that she can tell when I need a more gentle approach and when I need a little butt-kicking tough love!
Working with Emily is what has made all the difference for me. She is worth every penny!
Audra Wilke,