Can we have some real talk for a minute?

I’m going to be a little direct with you — how are things *really* going in your business? (not the social media version where you’re #slaying, but the real version, babe).

Given that you’re still here reading my stuff and tuning in, I can only assume that you dig me (thank you!!!!!), annnnd that you’re also still struggling in your business.

Not nearly where you thought you’d be by now.

Not earning close to what you deserve given your talent.

Not working with enough clients.

Lacking confidence.

Frustrated watching other people grow their businesses while yours isn’t.

Wishing your business was like so-and-so’s who you follow online, but feeling like you have no clue how to get there.

I apologize that being this direct about it probably doesn’t feel awesome, but sometimes we need a real talk moment to get motivated to do something different.

I’m guessing that if you’re here it’s because you want:

  • a flood of leads who are your ideal clients
  • clarity on what you’re offering and WHERE to find the right people
  • to find clients who can actually pay you what you’d like to receive
  • confidence that this hobby side hustle can be a real thing
  • to make money that will allow you to have the awesome lifestyle you dreamed about when you started this thing

My Adventurous Entrepreneur Mastermind is designed to help you with exactly this.

It’s a 6 month program where we dive deep into:

  • Creating your high-end offer (so you’re not scraping together $100 for a session here, $100 for a session there)
  • Learning how the F to get clients (cuz real talk, you don’t have a great plan for that right now)
  • Heart-centered selling. None of the weird psychological, shaming, or manipulative tactics you’re afraid of. A whole new paradigm of sales that will literally have your potential clients THANKING YOU for the conversation
  • Creating a business that will allow you to use your personality, doing work you feel aligned with, that also helps you have an awesome lifestyle (yes, you can have this!)

Put it this way: The problems you have right now will be solved by the end of this program. You’ll actually be running a legit business, know how to sell in a way that doesn’t make you feel gross, know how to get high-end clients, and for the love of effing god, you’ll finally know how to get leads and make money, and all of this will also mean you’ll finally be helping more people.

From there you’ll be ready to scale (if you’re an #empirebuilder, and it’s also cool if you’re not).

Babe, right now you’re robbing the world of your talents because you don’t have the business skills to back up how amazing you are at what you do.

You’re an amazing coach, but your biz skillz? Well…….. You already know. Those need some work 🙂 It’s not your fault!

The great news is that these are all LEARNABLE skills and it’s not as hard as you think.

Here’s the dealio- my Adventurous Entrepreneur Mastermind starts in October.

If you think you want to be a part of it, give me a little nudge by filling this out and if I believe I can help you rock your business, I’ll have my team reach out to book a call with me.

By the way, filling this out doesn’t obligate you to anything (and neither does getting on a call with me). It just helps me see if I can help you or not.

Honestly, I truly don’t know of another program of this caliber at the investment I’m asking. It’s a group program that includes a tons of individualized support, private coaching, and even a 2-day retreat with me, my team, and your fellow go-getters.

Our coaching team ranges from strategy nerds to woo woo, so wherever you fall on the spectrum, we’ve got you.

And not only that, unlike the huge programs you can do with celebrity coaches, ours is intimate, and everyone will know your name and business.

I’m also proud to say that my results are really, really good. In fact a friend last night texted me telling me my programs have “baller results” lol, But seriously, we do. And there’s no reason it can’t be you.

It’s going to take you making a different choice and expanding your beliefs around what’s possible and what you’re capable of.

Take a little gamble and apply. If I can’t help you, I won’t waste either of our time.

If I can help you, I strongly suggest you jump in, so that you can be the one everyone else is inspired by 😉



p.s. feel free to comment below or email me with any questions, and check out my baller results here hehe