It’s okay to want more…

I just landed back in California after a 3 week trip to Australia. Dang, they seriously have the best coffee there and some of the most gorgeous scenery I’ve ever seen! I always fly business class when I’m flying internationally, it’s been at least 4 years now that...

It’s okay to want more

I just landed back in California after a 3 week trip to Australia. Dang, they seriously have the best coffee there and some of the most gorgeous scenery I’ve ever seen! I always fly business class when I’m flying internationally, it’s been at least 4 years now that...

What are you afraid you’ll lose?

I was recently invited to be a guest speaker in my friend’s mastermind on the topic of money mindset and I wanted to give you a glimpse of what we talked about. I freaking love this topic so much and trust me, I’ve had to excavate a lot of shitty beliefs I...

It’s not necessarily all in your mind

I think a lot of coaches think they have money blocks, mindset issues, or other blocks to business success, when the actual block is that they don’t know *how* to make money or get to the next level of income. I’ve seen people wrack their brains trying to...